Colchester Yellow Map

  • ReferenceECC17726216 12 24
  • Received date16/12/2024
  • Business area Environment, Sustainability & Highways
  • Cost£ TBA
  • OutcomeComplete
  • SourceMember of the Public

Request summary

ECC17726216 12 24 Response: 20 December 2024 Question 1 - The number and location, broken down by ECC division, if possible, of 'yellow mats' covering Footway/highways defects within the city of Colchester. B) for each item under 'a' above: -the date the highways defects were first reported/logged. -the nature and details over the underlying highways defects. -details of who the authority believes is responsible for the repair. -copies of all correspondence relating to the defect since it came to


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