ECC17033018 07 24 Kelvedon - Coggeshall - Traffic Survey Data

  • ReferenceECC17033018 07 24
  • Received date17/07/2024
  • Business area Environment, Sustainability & Highways
  • Cost£ TBA
  • OutcomeInformation not held
  • SourceMember of the Public

Request summary

Traffic survey tubes were installed on roads entering Kelvedon and Coggeshall recently (June/July 2024). Question 1 - Please could you confirm what these were measuring, for example, traffic volumes or speed? Question 2 - Why were these surveys undertaken / What prompt the surveys? Question 3 - For Coggeshall specifically, does the data support any future plans or remedial action? For example, local residents would warmly welcome measures to reduce rat running and high speeds through the village


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